Member of the Month for June is Deb Waterman!
Deb is an unstoppable force of strength within the SIN family. She attends a variety of classes including Kickboxing, Barre, Triple A, Bootycamp and more. She is a fighter in and out of the gym. With her gloves on, she’s relentless on the bag. Her punches and kicks are precise and powerful; her punches are especially searing.
Outside the gym, Deb faced a medical challenge with unwavering positivity that is both contagious and inspirational. She is a ray of light who always sees potential in a situation and never gives up.
We are proud to call Deb a SIN Fitness member, a friend and a survivor.
How long have you been coming to Strength in Numbers?
I joined SIN after purchasing a personal training session a few years back. I was working out with coach Ryan when he suggested that I might like kickboxing. Of course he was right! Kickboxing was amazing and at the time Alisha was coaching it along with Kaylee and Claire. It was so badass I was totally hooked.
If you could design your perfect workout what would it be? I think my perfect work out would be a combo of AAA with kickboxing. One station at the bag and another doing sumo squats for example.
How would you describe you lifestyle before Strength in Numbers? How would you describe it now?
I was always pretty active throughout my life and my last organized sport was Kung Fu when I lived in my previous town. After my divorce I moved to Berlin not knowing at the time that I would meet the greatest people here especially the folks at SIN! Exercising among the nicest people that have become my friends has been awesome.
Cancer... I was diagnosed with colon cancer in December 2021, had colon surgery January 2022, had port placed with chemo starting February. It was rough, I got pretty sick. There were times I’d finish chemo and head straight to my personal training class with Ryan. I was nauseous, my hands tingling unable to drink anything remotely cold due to the side effects of the medication. Jackie would make me a shake without ice. Sometimes I just sat and rowed the whole time. Ryan would listen to me babble on about random stuff just to keep my attention off of being sick. I kept thinking just move your body. I remembered my surgeon saying whenever I felt good to do something physical so I listened. My stamina has started to slowly increase and I’m getting stronger. I’m forever grateful for all the support I received from the coaches and members! The messages, check ins, dinner delivery, gift cards, flowers, etc. What other gym does that?
What advice would you give to anyone thinking of starting at SIN Fitness?
Go for it! I worked out post surgery and while on chemo. It made me stronger emotionally and physically. I forgot about my cancer for that 45-60min class. I went at my own pace and modified some of the exercises. I honestly believe that I did as well as I did because of my exercising! Incorporating exercise and good nutrition is a lifestyle I will strive to maintain. Not only for myself but as a role model for my kids.
I’m cautiously happy to report that I’m cancer free at this time!! πππ
If you are 45 get your colonoscopy!!!!!