Check-in For Charity: Project Healing Waters. The Check in For Charity for the months of January and February is Project Healing Waters. PHW is dedicated to the physical, emotional and social rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. Funding has been drastically cut, so for 2024 we will be dependent on donations, annual auction, and raffles to help support the program.
The first program was started at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. in 2005,and since then PHW has expanded nationwide. PHW has become recognized as an innovative leader and model in the field of therapeutic outdoor recreation for the disabled, through its successful application of the sport of fly-fishing as a rehabilitation tool. By being out on the water and experiencing the sport of fly-fishing, they can relax and enjoy the tranquility, solitude, and comradery with their fellow veterans which helps them to cope and heal. This whole program operates at no cost to the Vet. For more information, please visit www.projecthealingwaters.org.