Our Coach Suzanne Kinney is on the board for The Gift Corporation (The Gift), a 501(c) (3) nonprofit. This organization was established by Anita Barbero, a wellness coach, yoga teacher, inspirational speaker, and philanthropist. Through The Gift, Anita is committed to addressing basic human needs by providing individuals or families with the tools they need to help them through a crisis. The primary mission of The Gift is to assist Connecticut individuals and or families experiencing financial hardship in order to sustain or improve their quality of life. There are numerous reasons why The Gift might come to the aid of an individual or family struggling due to financial difficulties. Examples of such struggles include: lack of insurance, returning from active military service, family crisis, loss of a job, or paying for a funeral. Please help us and Suzanne in raising money towards this wonderful organization by checking in on Facebook for the next 2 months. Every check in SIN Fitness will donate 50 cents. You check-in and we make a donation. That's it! EVERY FACEBOOK CHECK IN HELPS!