Member of the Month for August: Lindsay Banas! 🌟Lindsay has been a dedicated member of SIN Fitness since the beginning of 2018. She takes a variety of classes and always gives 100%, no matter what! 🏋️♀️ Her enthusiasm and commitment shine through in everything she does.Lindsay is not just active in the gym; she’s a powerhouse in our community too! She participates in Trivia Nights, Move-a-Thons, and every Team Competition since she started. She even rallies her friends to join her with the motto, “We move because we can” and “It’s fun in a weird way!” 🎉Lindsay, we love your dedication to yourself and the SIN community. Your progress and positive attitude inspire us all. Keep shining and keep moving! We’re so proud of you! 🌟🏋️♀️🥊❤️💪#MemberOfTheMonth #Dedication #Community #SINFitness #wemovebecausewecan #funinaweirdway #SINfitfam #sinnerforlife #SINfit #SINstrong #juststrong #momstrong #berlinct #itsallinberlinHow long have you been coming to SIN Fitness?I’ve been coming to SIN Fitness since January 2017( maybe 2018)?? Honestly it feels like I’ve been Sinning for so long I don’t remember the year, but I know I started on a Groupon my husband got me for Christmas.Do you remember your first workout?My first workout was a kickboxing class at the old gym with Alisha. I was so nervous, but she was so encouraging and helpful!! I remember doing burpees thinking I didn’t think I’d be able to walk in the morning!!How would you describe you lifestyle before SIN Fitness? How would you describe it now?Before SIN I was ran a few times a week with friends after work because my girls were little, and I needed to fit something in. I was inconsistently active prior to SIN. I joined gyms but never lasted because I was intimated.I was looking for group fitness. When I finally got the courage to attend a Bootcamp , i realized there were women (people) just like me!Now, I have total FOMO if I am not going to class at least 4 times a week. I even wake up in the 4s because it’s the best way to start the day!!
If you could design your perfect workout, what would it be? My perfect workout would be a YGIG with a combination of endurance and strength. A run to the light is always fun too!
What advice would you give to anyone thinking of starting at SIN Fitness?My advice would be to just do it, because you can!! SIN Fitness is like no other gym! Because it’s more than a gym but rather a supportive community that is always there to support the individuals inside but also causes outside. I’ve met so many fantastic people that I would never have connected with had it not been for this community!